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دانلود مقالات و جزوات آموزشی - دانشگاهی

سند شهر هوشمند سئول زبان اصلی (Seoul-Roadmap-Feb2013)

 سند شهر هوشمند سئول زبان اصلی (Seoul-Roadmap-Feb2013)

Smart Cities Seoul: a case study
ITU-T Technology Watch Report February 2013
Rapid urbanization is exerting growing pressure on cities’ traditional infrastructures, and information and communication technologies (ICTs) present very viable means of updating these infrastructures to reflect the demands of 21st  century societies. This ITU-T Technology Watch Report analyses Seoul’s implementation of its “Smart Seoul 2015” project, providing a best-practice guide to the construction and operation of a smart city. The report investigates the conceptual underpinnings of Smart Seoul, the use of smart technologies and mobile-web applications to provide citizen-centric services, and the role of technical standards as the precondition for smart city functionalit

خرید و دانلود  سند شهر هوشمند سئول زبان اصلی (Seoul-Roadmap-Feb2013)

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