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حتماً شوخی می‌کنید،آقای فاینمن!

 حتماً شوخی می‌کنید،آقای فاینمن!

ریچارد فیلیپس فاینمن (به انگلیسی: Richard Phillips Feynman)‏ (زاده ۱۱ مه ۱۹۱۸، نیویورک - درگذشته ۱۵ فوریه ۱۹۸۸، کالیفرنیا∗) از تأثیرگذارترین فیزیکدان‌های آمریکایی قرن بیستم بود. وی نظریهٔ الکترودینامیک کوانتومی را تا حد زیادی گسترش داد. او همچنین مدرسی تأثیرگذار، نوازندهٔ غیرحرفه‌ای موسیقی و از بسیاری جهات فردی خاص و آزاداندیش به‌شمار می‌آمد. وی در پروژهٔ ساخت بمب اتم مشارکت داشت و بعدها یکی از افراد گروهی بود که به بررسی واقعهٔ انفجار فضاپیمای چلنجر پرداخت. ریچارد فینمن در سال ۱۹۵۹ در انجمن فیزیک آمریکا در سخنرانی مشهور خود به بررسی بعد رشد نیافتهٔ علم مواد پرداخت و توجه دانشمندان را به توانایی بشر برای دست کاری مواد در مقیاس اتمی جلب نمود. سخنرانی که می‌توان آنرا اولین بحث در زمینه فناوری نانو دانست. در دوران دبیرستان ضریب هوشی وی را ۱۲۵ اندازه گیری کردند.فاینمن بعدها تست های روانشناسی را مسخره خواند. او وقتی به ۱۵ سالگی رسید مثلثات،هندسه تحلیلی،دیفرانسیل و انتگرال و حد مجموع را از بر بود. وی در سال ۱۹۶۵ بدلیل پژوهش‌هایش در زمینهٔ الکترودینامیک کوانتومی، جایزه نوبل فیزیک را به همراه جولیان شووینگر و سین‌ایترو تومونوجا دریافت کرد. همچینین وی به دلیل ماجراجویی‌های فراوانش که در کتاب‌های «حتماً شوخی می‌کنید آقای فاینمن؟» و «چه اهمیتی می‌دهید که مردم دیگر چه فکر می‌کنند؟» به تفصیل راجع به آن‌ها صحبت شده، مشهور است.

خرید و دانلود  حتماً شوخی می‌کنید،آقای فاینمن!

مجموعه 14 کتاب الکترونیکی برای احمق ها

 مجموعه 14 کتاب الکترونیکی برای احمق ها


احتمالا همه شما حداقل یک کتاب از مجموعه کتب انتشارات for dummies را خوانده اید.

این شرکت در سال 1991 کار خود را با چاپ کتاب "سیستم عامل داس، برای احمق ها" آغاز کرد. عنوان این کتاب و تحریر بسیار زیبای آن، این کتاب را یکی از پر فروش ترین کتاب های آن دوره کرد. پس از آن، نویسنده کتاب شروع به نشر عناوینی عمومی تر، مثل "ماهیگیری برای احمق ها" و "شطرنج برای احمق ها" نمود. به این ترتیب انتشارات For Dummies شکل گرفت.

در عنوان برای احمق ها، کنایه ای جسورانه برای مخاطبان کتاب است، چرا که ساختار کتاب به گونه ای است که برای کلیه اقشار قابل درک است.


مشخص ترین خصوصیات For Dummies:

- عناوین متعدد و بسیار گوناگون در تمام زمینه ها

- متن و زبان گویا و ساده

- انگلیسی بسیار دقیق و با استفاده از روش ساده به سخت (که هر کتاب را در این مجموعه مبدل به یک کتاب آموزش زبان نموده است)

- استفاده از ساختار مشابه در کلیه کتاب ها

- استفاده از علائم مشابه در کلیه کتاب ها

- استفاده از ته مایه طنز در ارائه مسائل و راهکارها


خرید و دانلود  مجموعه 14 کتاب الکترونیکی برای احمق ها

دیکشنری دیپلماسی

 دیکشنری دیپلماسی

by: G. R. Berridge & Alan James

Peaceful contacts between independent groups have always, since the start of human time, required the kind of representational activity which has come to be known as diplomacy. In its modern form – that is, throughout the last halfmillennium or so – diplomacy has retained a broadly constant character and given rise to a burgeoning diplomatic profession. Like all professions, it has spawned its own terminology and categories; and inasmuch as its activity  concerned relations between proud and jealous sovereigns, later replaced by no less proud and jealous sovereign states, diplomatic language has been finely honed and carries very precise meanings. It also bears the marks of having found expression in the languages of civilizations beyond those of the West.
Furthermore – and again accentuated by the very sensitive nature of this particular representational task – issues of protocol and precedence have been of considerable significance, and have made their distinctive contribution to
diplomatic terms. Thus it occasions no surprise at all that diplomacy has, over the centuries, developed a lexicon of specialized words and of other technical usages which it necessarily employs. And as diplomats routinely deal not just
with matters of policy but also with the many legal issues which arise between states, these aspects of their work have also made their marks in the diplomatic vocabulary.

خرید و دانلود  دیکشنری دیپلماسی

Grammar for Teachers - A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers

 Grammar for Teachers - A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers

A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers
1. Grammar for Teachers 2. Andrea DeCapuaGrammar for TeachersA Guide to American English for Nativeand Non-Native Speakers 3. AuthorAndrea DeCapua, Ed.D.College of New RochelleNew Rochelle, NY 10805adecapua@cnr.eduISBN: 978-0-387-76331-6 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-76332-3Library of Congress Control Number: 2007937636 c 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLCAll rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the writtenpermission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York,NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use inconnection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden.The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they arenot identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject toproprietary rights.Printed on acid-free paper9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1springer.com 4. PrefaceGrammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-NativeSpeakers is a result of my frustrations over many years of teaching graduate-levelstructure courses and not being able to find an appropriate grammar text for thepre- and in-service teachers enrolled in these classes. The students in these courseshave represented a variety of teaching backgrounds: ESL and EFL teachers, nativeand non-native speakers of English, and mainstream content-area teachers with ESLstudents in their classes, to name a few. Some of these students have had a strongknowledge of English grammar, but often have difficulties in applying their knowl-edge to real-life discourse. Other students’ exposure has been limited to lessons in“correctness,” and are generally unaware of which language features are central toteaching ESL/EFL learners. Some students are resistant to taking this course, butare required to do so, whether to satisfy specific degree requirements, for state orprofessional certification, or for other reasons. A few students have had some lin-guistics, many not. The challenge has been finding a way to convey the essentials ofAmerican English grammar clearly, to engage students actively in their own learningand understanding of grammar as applicable to ESL/EFL learners, and to motivatethem to undertake perceptive analyses of grammatical elements and structures, andof ESL/EFL learner needs and difficulties. The overall aim of Grammar for Teachers is to make grammar accessible andcomprehensible. The text assumes no prior knowledge and can be used with activeand prospective teachers who have little or no background in grammar, linguis-tics, foreign languages, or other related fields. It is also intended for those userswhose exposure to English grammar has been primarily limited to prescriptive rulesof what speakers should say and write with little or no consideration of the con-cerns and problems ESL/EFL learners face in learning and using English. The textencourages users to develop a solid understanding of the use and function of thegrammatical structures in American English so that they may better appreciate thelanguage difficulties of ESL/EFL learners. The underlying premise is that teachersof ESL/EFL learners need to understand how English works from a practical, everyday approach of “What does the learner need to know in order to produce X.” Whenteachers understand the grammar of American English and the problems and needsof ESL/EFL learner, they are in a better position to teach and explain elements ofgrammar. v 5. vi Preface The text reviews essential grammar structures clearly and concisely, while avoid-ing jargon or technical terms. The text approaches grammar from a descriptive ratherthan a prescriptive approach and focuses on the structures of grammar of greatestimportance to ESL/EFL learners. Grammar for Teachers encourages users to tapinto their own, generally subconscious, knowledge of the grammar of English andmake it a conscious knowledge that they can apply to their own varied teachingsettings. The text strives to make the study of grammar interesting and relevantby presenting grammar in context and by using authentic material from a varietyof sources. Discussions of areas of potential difficulties for ESL/EFL learners areincluded throughout the text. Grammar for Teachers also explores differences informs accepted in formal versus casual or informal writing and speaking based onthe types of questions and concerns learners are likely to have. In each chapter, users of the text work through numerous Discovery Activitiesthat encourage them to explore for themselves different elements of grammar andto consider how these elements work together to form meaningful discourse. Addi-tional Practical Activities at the end of each chapter provide more practice on struc-tures presented in that chapter. Included in the Practice Activities are samples ofrelevant learner errors and error analysis exercises. These exercises expose usersto authentic ESL/EFL learner discourse at different levels of proficiency and frommany different native languages, and afford them opportunities to practice focusingon specific errors at any given moment. 6. AcknowledgmentsI especially thank the students at New York University, The College of NewRochelle, New York and Long Island University, Purchase Campus who used vari-ous drafts of the text over the years and provided feedback. Special thanks are dueto Helaine Marshall, at Long Island University, Purchase, New York Campus andWill Smathers, New York University who piloted earlier versions of the text. Theircomments, insights and suggestions were invaluable. Thanks also to Judy Hausman,Susannah Healy, Betsy Reitbauer, Cheryl Serrano, and Walter Oerlemann for theirhelp and encouragement.

خرید و دانلود  Grammar for Teachers - A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers